Gaisce’s mission is to contribute to the development of all young people through the achievement of personal challenges.
Gaisce – The President’s Award is the most prestigious Award in Ireland for young people aged 15 to 25. Gaisce is an old Irish word which means ‘a great achievement’. The Award programme is a challenge from the President of Ireland to young people to set and pursue personal goals in four different areas of activity; Community Involvement, Personal Skills, Physical Recreation and an Adventure Journey, with the support of an adult leader.
The Award programme challenges young people between 15 and 25 years of age to get involved in their community, set personal goals for themselves in terms of physical recreation and personal skill and undertake an adventure journey as a member of a team. There are three separate awards; Bronze, Silver or Gold with the level of effort and maturity required increasing as a participant moves towards the Gold Award. Participation in the Award affords a young person the opportunity to grow and develop with the assistance and support of a President’s Award Leader (PAL) during that vital transition period from young person to young adult. Gold Awards are presented annually by the President at Dublin Castle with Bronze and Silver Awards being presented locally and regionally by a range of high profile people and Gaisce staff. Each participant receives a certificate signed by the President, a medal and a lapel pin.
Contact Miss Crowe if you require further information on Gaisce.